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[수리통계학] Continuous Distributions 본문

통계학과 수업 기록/수리통계학

[수리통계학] Continuous Distributions

JEONGHEON 2022. 1. 25. 18:05



오늘은 Discrete Distribution의 소개에 이어서 대표적인 Continuous Distribution을 알아보겠습니다.


1. Uniform Distribution

 : The random variable X has a uniform distribution.


2. Exponential Distribution

 : In Poisson process with mean number of changes λ in the  unit interval, if the random variable X denote the waiting time until the first change occurs, then distribution of X is an exponential distribution.


3. Gamma Distribution

 : In poisson process with mean λ, if the random variable X denote the waiting time until the αth changes occur, then distribution of X is a Gamma distribution.


4. Chi-square Distribution

 : Let X have a gamma distribution with θ = 2 and α = r/2, where r is a positive integer. We say that X has a chi-square distribution with r degrees of freedom.


5. Normal Distribution

 : The random variable X has a normal distribution.


Relationships of Continuous Distributions
